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Giga Cloud Solutions Llc

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About Giga Cloud Solutions Llc

When large enterprises are migrating their data from large on-premise data centers into the cloud, it poses a nightmare for these large amounts of data to be successfully moved to the cloud. Capacity planning for this new phase of storage, infrastructure and budgeting is often quite challenging as companies strive to leverage resources in a bit to maximize profits. This is where Giga Cloud Services comes into play. Giga Cloud Services LLC provides cloud consulting for companies hosted on the Amazon Web Services platform ranging from early-stage startups to publicly-traded corporations. We develop and deploy solutions for both Microsoft and Linux environments. Our clients range from companies developing the latest applications to actuarial firms building real-time analytics APIs. We will provide you with extensive professional experience across all primary AWS services using IaaS, SaaS and PaaS, depending on customer needs. We have certified experienced professionals with AWS expertise providing consulting services to private businesses and federal agencies on the use of Cloud Computing Services. We make a difference in that we implement the created designs and support the design's operation during the transition to the existing operations and maintenance teams. We are an experienced Federal Agencies solution provider. Our complete understanding of the NIST 800-53 controls, FISMA and FedRAMP control to design, implement and operate compliant solutions that meet or exceed the security controls makes us a trusted partner to our customers.
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Company Info

  • Year Founded
  • Number of Employees Under 49
  • Minimal Budget $1,000 - $10,000

Our Location

  • 9275 Cartersville Rd, Columbia , Maryland 21046 , United States

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