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Bober Markey Fedorovich

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Bober Markey Fedorovich

(9 reviews)

We don't represent numbers, we represent people.

About Bober Markey Fedorovich

Our Story
Since 1959, Bober Markey Fedorovich has provided clients with quality service and leadership through the dedication and commitment of our most experienced professionals. Serving some of the leading public companies, closely-held organizations, and private equity firms, our experience spans a variety of industries, including those with multi-state and global operations.

Our Brand
Accounting has been called the language of business. It is the way businesses talk about how they are doing with their investors, creditors, and those interested in the company. It is the job of the accounting firm to understand and frame what the numbers represent. That’s what most accounting firms do.

At BMF, we don’t represent numbers. We represent people. We represent the people behind the numbers – the owners and employees who work tirelessly for the success of their company.

Over our 60 years in business, we have come to know that it’s the people who make companies grow and excel. Yes, businesses need knowledge, expertise, and sometimes counsel. Most of all, business people need business partners who are all-in, no matter what.

And that’s why we relentlessly focus on our clients and the relationships we have created over the years. It’s probably why so many blue-chip companies entrust us with their most complex business challenges. Because the only thing that exceeds our expertise is our genuine care for the success and future of our clients. And that’s a language we all understand.

BMF lives at the intersection of service and sophistication.
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Company Info

  • Year Founded 1959
  • Number of Employees 100 - 249
  • Minimal Budget $1,000 - $10,000

Our Location

  • 600 Superior Ave #925, Cleveland , Ohio 44114 , United States

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