High-quality, gold-standard assays for accurate determination of physchem parameters, including logD, solubility, and other information critical for understanding the interaction between the body and a drug candidate. We also pioneered fast, accurate measurements of physicochemical parameters such as solubility to provide key interpretation data obtained from in vitro biological assays, including safety assays such as ion channel screens. Our data are measured using patented, innovative robotic platforms that enable high-throughput, low-cost, and highly accurate results that mean the same throughout the drug discovery and development process.
Development of innovative simple assays for characterization of the structure of biomolecules, in particular of protein products and therapeutics. We invented techniques and instruments to provide answers to difficult questions related to changes in the higher-order structure of such products, enabling fingerprint (signature)-like assays that can be calibrated for many important tasks in quality control, characterization, lot release, and biosimilarity of proteins.
Development of custom solutions for large-scale protein purification processing using aqueous two-phase partitioning. These solutions enable low cost processing of large amounts of biological materials, separating the protein product from plant, cell, or bacteria matter, and are typically deployed before chromatographic purification steps.